Sunday, July 26, 2009

Howard Chandler Christy Art Guild Show

I was a participant in the Howard Chandler Christy Art Guild Show in McConnelsville, Ohio July 25th and 26th. The work shown above was part of my presentation-"Roy and Amy's Place" and "gone to Seed". A subtitle for this past weekend could be "Dr. M and the Traveling Art Show". Rain on Saturday cut Saturday's show short, thus I packed up and returned home. A sunny Sunday found us traveling back to McConnelsville. I met a lot of great people, visited with family as well as friends of my family. The link below is a story in the Zanesville newspaper.

For additional entertainment:


About Me

My photo
A retired techie working with watercolor. Please do not use my images without my permission. If a painting strikes your fancy and you would like to make a purchase, please email me at We can discuss a price.